Friday, May 17, 2013

SHE is (finally) here!


Eleanor Blythe
Arrived May 14th, 2013 at 5:07 PM
7 lbs. 4 oz. and 20 inches

In love.


Clandestine Road said...


Sisterino said...

She is beautiful!!! Congrats to mama, daddy and big brothers. =)

Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful family with your bloggy friends!

Gang Of Girls! said...

Congrats! You will love having a lil princess to spoil. :)

Sarah said...

Yea!!! Been waiting to hear your news!!

Hallie said...

love love love her name! she is beautiful, congrats!

Curly-T said...

SHE is beautiful! And I LOVE her name.... if I had to name another little girl, Eleanor was one of my top two!


Cate said...

Oh my goodness, congratulations! You two both look beautiful!

Sarah said...

Oh yay! She is beautiful! And she looks a lot like you. Congratulations!

Holly said...

So sweet! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Yay!!!! Congrats Caroline and family!! She is beautiful, enjoy this precious time, as you know... the time will fly.

Hilary said...

Congratulations! What a sweet blessing

Caitlin Wallace Rowland said...

SO happy for you! I was hoping it would be a girl!! :)

Mama Gone Green said...

Oh a girl! She is beautiful. Congratulations!!

Rixa said...

Oh sweet baby girl! Makes me realize that I don't have a newborn anymore. Sniff...

Sarah said...

What a beautiful little girl. Congrats to your family! :)

Phillips Family said...

How wonderful! Congrats, she is a beauty! Can't wait to hear her birth story! I love your blog!

Unknown said...

Yay!!!! She's beautiful. Congratulations.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Such a beautiful name for a beautiful baby :)

Ma said...

She had my birthday!! She is so pretty!!! Congratulations!!

jen said...

congrats! She is adorable.

Jlstrange said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful!! What a precious name. Enjoy!

Christy said...

Big congratulations to you & your family! I hope your delivery went smoothly & you are recovering well. Yay! for a little girl:)